Boost your business with up to $15,000 in government funding

Seeking to enhance productivity and reduce overhead costs? Want to streamline your supply chain and back-office technology? Looking to improve your cybersecurity software and inventory management? Need to update your website or enhance your digital marketing and client support strategy?

The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a $4 billion government initiative aimed at bolstering the online presence, digital capabilities, and global competitiveness of small and medium Canadian businesses (SMEs) through technology.

The CDAP’s “Boost Your Business Technology” stream gives eligible businesses access to non-repayable funding of up to $15,000 to retain expert Digital Advisors to craft tailored Digital Adoption Plans to support business growth and sustainability.

SMEs with up to 499 employees that receive the base Boost Your Business Technology grant can then apply for additional support to accelerate the implementation of their technology adoption plans and maximize their CDAP benefits through:

A $100,000 zero-interest loan to power your digital transformation

Qualified SMEs ready to move forward, but don’t have the necessary cashflow, can apply for zero-interest loans of up to $100,000 from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to support the implementation of Digital Adoption Plans.

This 0% interest loan carries a 5-year term with a 12-month capital postponement (total of 6 years), and is meant to cover various aspects of your Digital Adoption Plan:

  • Acquisition and installation of new technology
  • Update and/or expansion of IT equipment
  • Staff training on new equipment or software
  • Materials and technical support services

A $7,300 wage subsidy to hire skilled youth to strengthen your business

Businesses under CDAP can also receive up to $7,300 to support the hiring of a talented student or graduate through Magnet with the right skills to help your business achieve its technology adoption goals.

Successful businesses can also take advantage of these additional supports and opportunities provided by this work placement funded by the government of Canada:

  • Apply for more than one wage subsidy to hire multiple technical graduates
  • Connect with young candidates across over 122 post-secondary institutions
  • Receive personalized assistance with hiring the right talent for your business

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